Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finding Friends

One of the things that I’ve found particularly distressing since moving is my lack of friends. Of course I will always have my college friends…but finding the time to Skype or keep up on Facebook can be difficult and not as rewarding. Even harder is trying to plan time to see each other in person when we live two hours away from each other now—rather than the two buildings away we once were. It’s a good and a bad thing that my boyfriend grew up in the area that we’re living. On the one hand, I already know a few of his friends and family but on the other hand, those are his guy friends and don’t really do much for me in terms of mall partners or nail buddies.

I’m slowly starting to get to know some of the women that I work with. It’s unfortunate that I live a little more than 30 minutes away from the office because that will potentionally make it difficult to meet up with some of them on a moment’s notice. Thankfully, I work in pharmaceuticals so there are quite a few younger women here. Still, it’s tough to break into different cliques and departments who are already so close.

Some advice to those of you working in an office setting (or anywhere with a lunch room): leave your desk for your lunch break and go eat with your coworkers. For some reason, my office avoids the café at all costs. Most days I eat alone (which isn’t as bad as I thought it would be); but sometimes I will have another coworker join me (yahoo!). It’s healthy to get away from your computer, and it’s even nicer to talk to some of your coworkers about things other than work.

But besides work, I’m not really sure how adults make friends. My boyfriend teases me, reminding me that I said the same thing about college and how I worried so much that I wouldn’t make any friends at school. Obviously, I was a little dramatic and proved myself wrong. But, I’m serious this time. I don’t doubt that eventually I will make a friend or two in my neighborhood—but I am very curious how women do it. I feel like most people keep to themselves while shopping or at the grocery store…and don’t even get me started about the gym.  Any readers out there have any suggestions? 

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