Monday, December 23, 2013

Chocolate Dipped Graham Crackers with Crushed Candy Canes

In between all the madness of Christmas shopping and last minute madness, Jeff and I found time to make some holiday goodies. Earlier in the week, we had stocked up on everything--including 3 lb bags of chocolate from BJ's! We got up early on Sunday morning, headed out to get some breakfast and pick up a few more things, and then settled in at home for a day of crafting. Jeff already has his own signature items that he makes for Christmas: pistachio and dried cranberry chocolate bark and lemon marmalade. I was inspired to make my own this year. I present to you chocolate dipped graham crackers with crushed candy canes.

They were relatively easy to make and could be a fun project if you have little ones that want to help. Before I started melting the chocolate, I crushed up a few candy canes. You want to make sure you leave some good chunks of candy cane, about the size of an eraser on a pencil. Once you have the candy canes crushed, it's time to melt the chocolate. Feel free to melt it any way you prefer. Since I didn't have a double boiler, i just used a glass bowl sitting on top of a pot with some water in it. Works just the same. You could also microwave the chocolate and just stir it every 20 to 30 seconds until it's smooth.

Once the chocolate is melted, I poured it into a container that was big enough to fit a graham cracker in, but tall enough that the chocolate was at a good height for the dipping. After breaking each graham cracker in half so I had squares, I dipped each one so only the top where my fingers were wasn't covered in chocolate. Shake off the excess chocolate and lay out on a cookie sheet or wax paper. After every 3 or 4 crackers, I would sprinkle the chunks of candy cane onto the wet chocolate. Gently press down on each bit so that it will really stick to the chocolate when it's dry. Then I finished each one with a dusting of the candy cane powder.

After trying one of the dipped graham crackers, I thought that it might be a little too much chocolate so I tried a chocolate drizzle instead. Just dip a fork in the melted chocolate and whip it back and forth over the graham cracker quickly to get a nice drizzle. Sprinkle the candy canes on top just as before. I wound up really liking the way they looked so each bag in the end got one of each.

I was really excited for the way we packaged each treat. The cellophane bags and Christmas tags were from Target and we found the twine at Walmart. We were in the kitchen most of the day, but it will all be worth it to share some yummy treats with everyone.

Chocolate Dipped Graham Crackers with Crushed Candy Canes

1 box of graham crackers
1 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
12 candy canes

1. Crush candy canes until no piece is bigger than the eraser of a pencil.
2. Melt chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave.
3. Dip graham crackers in the chocolate and shake off any excess chocolate. Place dipped graham cracker on a cookie sheet or wax paper.
4. Before chocolate has cooled, sprinkle the crushed candy canes on each graham cracker. Gently press the candy canes into the chocolate.
5. Place finished graham crackers in the fridge for 15 minutes or until the chocolate hardens.

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