Monday, July 22, 2013

My Golden Birthday

So most, if not all, of my readers on this blog are probably coming from Facebook…so it should be no surprise that today is my birthday. My golden year. Turning 22 on the 22nd.  However, going to work on my birthday and going about my routines as usual has made me realize one thing: I am officially an adult. Honestly, I’m not sure why Taylor Swift was so excited about feeling 22, because for me, it’s sadly just the year after 21.

Your 21st birthday is a sacred birthday that most of us have probably looked forward to from the day we realized what alcohol even was. Sure, 18 was fun, but knowing you can legally buy lottery tickets and cigarettes only gets you so far. You quickly realize that you’re only an adult on paper anyway.  Turning 21 is simply a rite of passage. A year ago today I was waking up in a hotel room after being out at Mohegan until the early hours of the morning. The only bad thing that happened that night was that they stopped serving alcohol at 2 am! Otherwise, it was the perfect evening filled with great food, amazing people, and winning! That’s right! I won right out the bat on my first machine: Wheel of Fortune. It might have only been $100, but it was my glorious birthday slot machine miracle.  We gambled and drank most of the night and woke up with no regrets. But as I sit here at my desk on my 22nd birthday, I can’t help but think of where all the birthday magic went.

Something about this year just doesn’t seem as exciting as all of my other birthdays. Maybe it’s the fact that laundry still needed to be done yesterday, lunch had to be made today, and I have to work 9 to 5. Responsibilities don’t really start just because you entered the world 22 years ago today. However, the upside to this non-excitement is the little expectation I have of the day. That means that everything that happens is that much better because I really wasn’t anticipating any hubbub. So when my mom had Mrs. Fields cookies delivered, I was all too pumped to rip open the plastic and fill my face. And my mom is a clever little one, as she suggested leaving them out on my desk so I have an excuse to let anyone who stops by know that it’s my birthday.

What a dangerous little box to have on my desk all day!

Also, the Royal Baby and I now share the same I've got that going for me today!

It's a boy!!

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